Thursday, August 17, 2017

Week Five: Rationale Draft

Notes from Lecture
Aim: Elaborate the issue and put it into context.
Concept: Why is this a problem? Importance, relevance and potential outcomes.
Strategy: Method of presentation, detailed description of what you did.

Rationale Draft

This poster set aims to raise awareness about the increasing number of New Zealanders that are homeless, specifically focusing on the large number of people living in cars.
The ‘Home Sweet Home’ carpark poster uses contrast as the poster is primarily black and white but with brightly coloured text. I have chosen to colour the text in this way to make it resemble the yellow road lines. Also the text introduces an element of bright colour that helps to make the poster stand out. This poster has an interesting hierarchy as the first element I wanted the viewer to see is the “Home Sweet Home,” however the fact that the text is bright yellow meant that it was difficult to ensure, however, I achieved this by placing the text sideways. To make this poster I used physical techniques by drawing out the car park out likes and text onto concrete using chalk, this gave the poster a greater sense of feeling allowing the audience to connect with it more rather than simply using vector lines.
For my second poster I have created a (parody, irony or satire?) of the Harcourts for sale signs.  For this poster I have used the colour scheme of the Harcourts posters but altered the blue slightly to ensure that the poster will stand out. As this design is created using the style of for sale posters it has a clear visual hierarchy, first the eye is drawn to the image as it is the largest element and then in accordance with a western world view the poster is read left to right top to bottom. Again due to the design this poster does not incorporate a sense of movement. This poster is not symmetrical but due to the clear style, elements such as the blue and grey lines that cross the entire page and the image layout it is balanced. This design works off a 2:3 ratio with two thirds of the poster as text and one third as an image.

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Week Six: Poster Presentation